Scientific collaboration
In Ortofon research and development is done with the company's own engineers supported by a strong network of technological know-how.
In recent years Ortofon A/S and Technical University of Denmark have been working in close collaboration to develop the micro-factory concept with the objective to develop and optimize the manufacturing process for the mass production of multi-material functional micro-components. Micro injection molding (μIM) is one of the most suitable micro manufacturing processes for flexible mass-production of multi-material functional micro components.
Please download and read the outcome of this scientific collaboration:
Prediction of micro-sized flash using micro-injection moulding process simulations
Federico Baruffi, Matteo Calaon and Guido Tosello
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
Micro-injection moulding process simulations can be important to substantially reduce experimental and quality assurance efforts. In this study, the usage of process simulations for the prediction of the size of the flash affecting a three-dimensional polyoxymethylene (POM) micro component is discussed.
Micro-Injection Moulding In-Line Quality Assurance Based on Product and Process Fingerprints
Federico Baruffi, Matteo Calaon and Guido Tosello
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
Micro-injection moulding (μIM) is a replication-based process enabling the cost-effective production of complex and net-shaped miniaturized plastic components. The micro-scaled size of such parts poses great challenges in assessing their dimensional quality and often leads to time-consuming and unprofitable off-line measurement procedures. In this work, the authors proposed a novel method to verify the quality of a three-dimensional micro moulded component (nominal volume equal to 0.07 mm3) based on the combination of optical micro metrology and injection moulding process monitoring.
Comparison of micro and conventional injection moulding based on process precision and accuracy
Ferderico Baruffi1, Matteo Calaon1, Alessandro Charalambis1, Guido Tosello1, René Elsborg2
1 Department or Mechanical Engineering,Technical University of Denmark, 2 Lyngby, Denmark
2 Ortofon A/S, Nakskov, Denmark
Investigation on the micro injection molding process of an overmolded multi-material micro component
Ferderico Baruffi1, Matteo Calaon1, Guido Tosello1, René Elsborg2
1 Department or Mechanical Engineering,Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
2 Ortofon A/S, Nakskov, Denmark
High accuracy and precision micro injection moulding of thermoplastic elastomers micro ring production
Matteo Calaon1, Guido Tosello1, René Elsborg2, Hans N. Hansen1
1 Department or Mechanical Engineering,Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
2 Ortofon A/S, Nakskov, Denmark
Precision manufacturing of thermoplastic elastomer micro rings
Matteo Calaon1, Guido Tosello1, René Elsborg2, Hans N. Hansen1
1 Department or Mechanical Engineering,Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
2 Ortofon A/S, Nakskov, Denmark